Kids Music Lessons in Milton

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Milton’s Musical Marvels: Discovering Premium Music Lessons for Kids 

In the heart of Milton, where creativity thrives, kids explore a magical world of music. Milton’s unique charm shines among cozy book corners, fun ice cream spots, and colorful graffiti-lined streets. Research shows that learning music is super good for kids, and here in this creative place, music lessons do more than teach tunes. They help kids think in new ways, solve problems, and work well with others. These lessons open doors to creativity and thinking skills like a special key.

And there’s more! Milton cares about kids growing up a little more well-rounded. There are after-school programs where kids with musical interests can mix their love for music with making friends and learning essential life skills. When the sun sets on Milton’s horizon, you’ll hear kids’ laughter mixing with musical sounds, creating memories that last a long time. In this fantastic neighborhood, discovering who you are and trying out artsy things, its easy finding a perfect rhythm, just like a great song!

Therefore, let’s explore the best music lessons for kids in Milton together.


Best Music Lessons for Kids in Milton:


Academy of Music

555 Main St. E., #7, Milton, ON L9T 3J2.

Since 1982, the Academy of Music, founded by Joanne Parker, has been a family favoritefor making music dreams come true. They teach piano, guitar, singing, ukulele, and fun group stuff like Rock Band and Glee. The teachers love helping kids grow smart and joyful, with a special music class for little ones where they play with grown-ups, teachers, and friends.

Operating hours: 

Tuesday: 4 pm – 6 pm

Thursday: 4:30 pm – 8 pm

Saturday: 10 am – 2:30 pm

Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday: Closed

Ages: Students of all ages and levels are welcome.


House of Chords

52 Steeles Avenue East, Unit 16, Milton, ON, L9T 4W9.

Discover House of Chords, a place for music lovers. Teachers provide private lessons and fun group programs like the Band Program for live shows and the Glee Program for singing. Everyone can join; they have summer camps for, Lil’ Rockers for little kids, and special lessons. Teachers are friendly and knowledgeable, making learning special for you and your friends.

Operating hours: 

Monday – Thursday: 12 pm – 9 pm

Friday: 12 pm – 8 pm

Saturday: 12 pm – 4 pm 

Sunday: Closed

Ages: Students of all ages and skill levels are welcome.


Lil’ Rockers

52 Steeles Ave. East, Unit 16, Milton ON L9T 4W9.

Lil’ Rockers is a special music and movement program for children. This music school offers an exceptional approach by incorporating popular music that parents and children can enjoy. Through age-specific classes—Wah-Wahs (0-12 months), Whammies (12-36 months), Riffs (3-5 years), and Family Band (0-5 years)—Lil’ Rockers uniquely nurtures innate musicality, encourages creativity, and fosters bonding through joyful learning experiences.  

Operating hours:

Tuesday, Wednesday, Saturday: 9 am – 5 pm

Monday, Thursday, Friday, and Sunday: Closed

Ages: 0 – 5 years of children are welcome.


Wilson Music

Chris Wilson, 65 John St., Milton, Ontario.

Explore Wilson Music—a musical center for 25+ years. They teach guitar and piano and perform astonishing duets and vocal quartets. With a big love for music, Wilson Music makes learning and fun go hand in hand.

Operating hours: Open 24 hours


Stage Coach Schools

4145 North Service Road, Suite 2004,  Burlington, ON L7L 6A3.

Explore Stage Coach Schools, the place for acting, dancing, and singing. They believe that providing performance opportunities in arts shapes success in school, careers, and life. Kids gain confidence, awareness, and fun music education through drama, dance, and singing.

Operating hours: 

Saturday: 9:00 am – 5:00 pm

Monday – Friday: Closed

Sunday: Closed

Ages: Offer classes for 4 – 18 years.


Rick Imus Music Studio

Bronte Corporate Centre, 420 Bronte Street South, Suite 110, Milton, Ontario.

Experience Rick Imus Music Studio, your gateway to musical expertise. With a focus on personalized instruction, they offer a variety of lessons for popular instruments such as piano, guitar, drums, and vocals. Music Lessons Milton is a versatile and valuable platform for nurturing musical talents and expanding creative horizons.

Operating hours:

Monday – Friday: 9:30 am – 9:30 pm

Saturday: 9:30 am – 5:30 pm

Sunday: Closed

Ages: Starting from 5 years to adults of any age.


Unleash Your Child’s Musical Journey in Milton

Milton invites you to a world of musical wonder. This neighborhood orchestrates growth, creativity, and boundless possibilities with the Academy of Music, House of Chords, Lil’ Rockers, Wilson Music, Stage Coach Schools, and Rick Imus Music Studio. 

Milton’s offerings are a symphony of opportunities, from learning instruments to performing arts, where your kid’s potential finds its rhythm. Join this melodic adventure and let Milton be the backdrop for your kid’s passionate journey.